This can be done using long division that we have learned with numbers, except that each digit in the numeric long division is replaced with a number that can exceed 10.
Thus we can write the division as where the right most digit represent a number, and each number to the left represent an increasing power of x.
1 +2 +1 | 1 +10 +13 + 39
We will use a first quotient digit of 1 and begin the division
1 +2 +1 | 1 +10 +13 + 39
1 +2 +1 (subtract)
8 12 39
After that, we have a multiplier of 8 and continue
1 +2 +1 | 1 +10 +13 + 39
1 +2 +1 (subtract)
8 12 39
8 16 8 (subtract)
-4 31
This means that we have a quotient of (x+8) with a remainder of -4x+31
thus the final expression looks like