
50 poi
Match the sentence with the type of response. You have to think critically here as the answers aren't listed directly in the
reading, but there are key words in each response to help you determine what type of response it is.
A. I can relate to Hudley's concerns about students feeling
afraid to speak up in class because I have been judged by
Have a conversation
my accent
E. Reflect on the lessons
What Hudley says about how power impacts our views of
Extend the argument
language can also be applied to how we view people's style
of dress. Clothing that is associated with lower-earning
Temper the position
occupations has a higher social stigma than clothing
associated with powerful positions.
CI agree that teachers should help students understand the
importance of linguistic flexibility,
D. Hudley's argument doesn't fully address the importance of
audience awareness when code switching.
E. I used to think that how people speak reflects how smart
they are, but Hudley's article taught me that I cannot judge
someone's intelligence by their dialect.

Respuesta :

The answer to this question is c

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