98 people who were vaccinated were seniors. • 80 people reported a chronic disease or long-term health problem, such as heart or kidney disease. • 6 of the seniors who reported a chronic disease were still working in their high-risk professions. • Of those who reported having a chronic disease, 52 were seniors. • Of the 60 people who worked in high-risk professions, 18 were older than 50. • 8 of the people vaccinated were younger than 50 and did not work in high-risk professions but reported having a chronic disease. a. How many people, total, received flu shots? b. How many people in high-risk professions also had a chronic medical condition? c. What percentage of seniors did not report a chronic medical condition?

Respuesta :


16.3 is the percent of seniors reported a chronic medical condition chronic is long term recovery acute is short term recovery

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