Cozy Bookstore
Allocation of Service Departments' Overheads to the Operating Departments:
Books Magazines Newspapers Total
Allocation of:
Advertising Dept. $19,260 $11,556 $11,984 $42,800
(Dollar Sales)
Purchasing Dept. $14,445 $6,420 $11,235 $32,100
(Purchase Orders)
Total $33,705 $17,976 $23,219 $74,900
a) Data and Calculations:
1. Allocation Basis:
Department Sales Purchase Orders
Books $ 180,000 (45%) 1,170 (45%)
Magazines 108,000 (27%) 520 (20%)
Newspapers 112,000 (28%) 910 (35%)
Total $ 400,000 2,600
2. Allocation of Advertising Department expenses of $42,800 on the basis of dollar sales:
Books = 45% of $42,800 = $19,260
Magazines = 27% of $42,800 = $11,556
Newspapers = 28% of $42,800 = $11,984
3. Allocation of Purchasing Department expenses of $32,100 on the basis of Purchase orders:
Books = 45% of $32,100 = $14,445
Magazines = 20% of $32,100 = $6,420
Newspapers = 35% of $32,100 = $11,235
4. The allocation of overheads for the service departments of Advertising and Purchase of Cozy Bookstore was done using the direct method. This method allocates the overheads directly to each operating unit of either Books, Magazines, or Newspapers. This is a straightforward method. Other methods exists for the allocation. They include the step method and the reciprocal method; details of their discussions are not included in this class.