The "Shortest Route Algorigtm" aims to determine the most efficient or short route, when a several alternative pahtways can connect or be used to implement a solution.
A graph is drawn with the different nodes and paths that connect them. The distance between every pair of consecutive nodes is written.
The picture shows that for the step #1, there are, in principle, three routes: AB, AC, and AD.
AB must be discarded because it is not viable (a negative distance is not possible).
AC is more efficient than AD because the distance of AC is 3 and the distance of AD is 8. Thus AC is selected and circled.
To continue from AC, the possible routes are shown in step #2. They are ACB; 3 and ACE; 6.
ACB i s shorter, thus ACB is circled.
In step #3, the possible routes are ACBE; 8 and ACBD; 7. Thus, route ACBD is shorter, and it shall be circled.
The conclusion of the algorithm is that the route ACBD is the shoretes (most efficient).