You just turned on a four port Ethernet switch (it hasn’t learned any addresses yet) and connected a host to each port. You send packet #1 from 00:11:22:33:44:55 to 66:77:88:99:00:11 which arrives at port 1 of your switch. Next, packet #2 is sent from 22:33:44:55:66 to 00:11:22:33:44:55 which arrives at port 3 of your switch. Which of the following are true?
1. Packet #1 is broadcast on all ports
2. After the first packet is received, the switch associates 66:77:88:99:00:11 with port 1
3. Packet #2 is only sent out on port 1
4. Packet #2 is sent out on ports 1, 2, 4