Answer: Industrialization and urbanization have fundamentally changed society.
The Industrial Revolution has brought enormous wealth to plant owners. On the other hand, it was extremely difficult for ordinary workers. They worked 12 hours or more, for little money, and in harsh conditions. Initially, there were frequent injuries at work due to poor health. Changes for the better will happen over time. The moment workers start organizing unions, their standard of living will improve. One of the most apparent trends and consequences of the revolution was urbanization.
Almost overnight, a massive number of people moved to the city. This has led to an increase in the number of people in the town, which has led to the construction of new housing units and modern industrial plants. The rapid growth of cities has introduced many residents to the meaning of a biologically inhospitable environment, and especially to the most active industrial towns in England, such as London (reaching 1 million inhabitants in 1800), Manchester, Birmingham, Liverpool, in which fog and smoke formed a very unhealthy atmosphere.