Respuesta :
Answer: The porous nature of the rock bodies makes them good reservoirs of these fuels.
Oil and natural gases most times occur in porous rocks. These rocks are usually sedimentary rocks like sandstone and limestone. There are three(3) major classes of sedimentary rocks and they are: Clastic sedimentary rock
Carbonate sedimentary rock
Evaporitic sedimentary rock
Clastic rocks are the rocks that are gotten when sediment particles are broken down from formerly existing rocks via processes like rainfall, wind movement, freezing etc, accumulates and cements together.
When the old parent rock is weathered or broken down, the particles and sediments are carried via water from the streams and rivers until they get to another destination where they gather togther and solidify overtime to form sedimentary rocks.
Mud solidifies to become shale which can also be called mudstone.
Sands are cemented via silica or another substance called calcite to form sandstones.
Gravels develop into conglomerates.
Sandstones due to its very inherent porosity found in between the grains become excellent reservoirs for oil and natural gas.