Respuesta :

Season in the Southern Hemisphere

1. March 21 - June 21 Experiencing Autumn

2. June 21 - September 23 Experiencing Winter

3. September 23 - December 22 Experiencing Spring

4. December 22 - March 21 Experiencing Summer.

Season in the Northern Hemisphere

1. March 21 - June 21 Experiencing Spring

2. June 21 - September 23 Experiencing Summer

3. September 23 - December 22 Experiencing Autumn

4. December 22 - March 21 Experiencing Winter


The change of seasons on earth is influenced by the earth's revolution towards the sun. The earth's tilted position of 23 1/2 degrees results in a time when the northern hemisphere receives more sun and less southern earth, and there is when the southern hemisphere receives more sunlight and the southern earth more. During 365,2563666 Earth days circling the sun, there were 4 main seasons in both the Southern Hemisphere and the Northern Hemisphere, which occurred alternately. The four seasons include summer (Summer), autumn (Autumn), spring (Spring), and winter (Winter). When viewed from the north pole, the sun becomes a Sumpumpolar star from March 21 to September 23, because during those 6 months the sun never sets. After September 23, the sun is below the horizon and never seen again. This lasts until March 21 or for 6 months. However, the night is not until 6 months (183 days), but less than 179 days it is caused by the influence of fog.

Learn More:

1. what seasons is in the northern and southern hemisphere

2. Season


Grade: Middle School

Subject: GeoGraphy

Keyword: Season, Northern and southern

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