Respuesta :
1. Develop an action plan to deal with each of the following scenarios.
a. A friend offers you a cigarette. (2 points). Decline the offer of a cigarette but sit them down and explain that cigarettes will slowly kill them and that you don't want them to die because they are one of your closest friends.
b. You go to a party and see they are serving alcohol. (2 points). Call the cops on the party for underage consumption of alcohol.
c. A student offers to sell you some marijuana. (2 points). Report the student for handling marijuana, especially since in a lot of places it's still illegal.
d. A friend comes to your house and asks you if he or she can take drugs out of your parents' medicine cabinet. (2 points)
a. stage an intervention for your drug addict friend
b. call her some help if all else fails.
c. say no because those drugs are prescribed to your parents and nobody else.
d. still polite but make your intentions clear.